Talking With The Kennedys

Join us for a conversation with Former Congressman Patrick Kennedy and his wife, and co-founder of The Kennedy Forum, Amy Kennedy. They speak about their parenting experiences (5 children, ages 4-15), specifically parenting in recovery, as well as the work they do nationally to expand the dialogue around mental health and addiction. They also discuss the importance of brain development, children’s mental health, and how early substance use impacts this process. Their insights exemplify the fo...

Om Podcasten

The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign is pleased to announce its new podcast: What Parents Are Saying — Prevention Wisdom, Authenticity, and Empowerment. The goal is to provide a platform where parents and caregivers can get informed, be prepared, and take action by having open and honest conversations with their kids about substance use and mental health. Hosted by Debbie Berndt, Director of Parent Movement 2.0, the podcast will feature discussions with parents, caregivers, and nationally recognized experts lending their unique perspectives and experiences on how to navigate conversations around these important topics. Learn more at