Pat Boucousis: Sell Clean, Sell Smart, Sell Consciously

Join us today as Patrick Boucousis shares his insights on "clean selling." For decades, Patrick dominated sales floors using both grit and smarts. Today, Pat and I are dedicated to reforming the sales profession through #TheSellerCode. Patrick will explain how "clean selling" makes customers the top priority. It demands truly understanding buyers rather than rushing deals. Active listening and empathy replace hard sells and tricks. The focus shifts to helping buyers succeed - not just hitting targets. You'll hear gripping tales from the field. One rookie thought sales meant persuasion until practicing clean techniques. Through helpful conversations, not pressure, he built trust and surprisingly landed a huge deal. Marcus challenges Patrick on whether sales cycles still work for customer-first methods. Patrick argues intuition and emotional IQ now matter more in guiding relationships. Clean sellers set their own pace by building bonds, not boxing customers in. Plus, get Patrick's insider advice on developing self-awareness. Most sellers lack insight but it's key to growth. Learn his tips for gaining perspective through feedback and thoughtful questions for buyers and oneself. By show's end, you'll understand clean selling as both an ethical philosophy and sales strategy with heart. Patrick aims to upend traditional tactics that ignore customers' humanity. Tune in for an revealing chat! Contact Pat via Websites (SalesRoad B2B CRM) (Sales Training) Phone: +61414387825 (Mobile) Email: [email protected] Sign up to the Seller Code: ** Are you ready to transform your sales practice? To align your career with your deeper purpose? To unlock your highest potential through principled selling? Take my sales aptitude audit to learn something you don't know about yourself, discover how you can improve your performance forever within 30 days and WHY you are triggering your buyer's brain to resist:  

Om Podcasten

The Inquisitor podcast is produced by salespeople for salespeople for the ambitiously lazy sales professional. Delivering practical, real-world sales tips and advice to help you sell more, sell more often, sell to more people and sell for more money you will learn about the best practices in direct sales, sales management, selling to the C-suite, sales recruitment & predictive hiring in sales, how to prevent wrong hires, buyer-seller-manager sales psychology, enterprise selling, channel sales and channel sales management. We are interviewing some giants in salesforce development and lifetime behaviour modification, exploring how you self-sabotage in sales, removing your excuses and shattering many myths around selling and salespeople. No fluff. No excuses. Fun and uncomfortable.