Special Episode: We’ll Build This City - The Future of Manchester

“Get young people interested and believing they have a voice” This episode of We Built this City is all about the future of Greater Manchester. Lisa Morton sat down with Councillor Garry Bridges and Manchester’s Members of Youth Parliament (MYPs), to talk about what young people need for their future. Over the past 12 months, Manchester has responded with a game-changing programme – “Our Year” - a legacy initiative to address the long-term impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on our younger generations. Better engagement, more activities, opportunities for personal growth and platforms to form positive connections are at the heart of “Our Year” and will also be an integral part of Manchester’s move in 2023 to become a Unicef UK Child-Friendly city.

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Incredible conversations with the Mancunians - born, bred and adopted - who put the heart into Modern Manchester. We Built This City focuses on how these extraordinary Mancunians have built something that impacts lives and the purposeful relationships that have helped steer them, the values that have driven them to do it, and the legacies they plan to leave behind. Celebrate human grit, determination, loyalty, and diversity across culture, arts, politics, sport, music and business. Lisa Morton interviews Mancunian icons like Andy Burnham, John Thomson, Gary Neville, Sacha Lord, Stacey Copeland, Clint Boon, Sir Richard Leese, Diane Modahl MBE, Ged King, Chris Brindley MBE, Carl Austin-Behan OBE, Karina Jadhav, Joanne Roney OBE and Sir Howard Bernstein.