026 - Xenia Pestova Bennett on befriending performance anxiety.
VocalScope - A podcast by Host: Juliette Caton
Presented by Juliette Caton. Edited by Sam Benoiton. "Xenia's approach to this subject is a breath of fresh air. Broadly rooted in calming down our physiological responses, she opens up important areas of exploration with a light touch and keen insight." - Steven Osborne, concert pianist Dr Xenia Pestova Bennett is an internationally active concert pianist and composer. She combines her research and experience in performance anxiety with extensive accredited training as a yoga, breathwork and meditation instructor. Having studied in the UK, The Netherlands and Canada, Xenia holds a Doctorate in Performance from McGill University. Her wellness training includes Hatha Yoga Teacher Training, Yin/Yang Yoga and Mindfulness with Sarah Powers, Oxygen Advantage® functional breathing and Buteyko Method instructor training with Patrick McKeown, and Yoga Mindset Coaching training with Karina Ayn Mirsky. Xenia is in demand as lecturer and coach on wellbeing and anxiety management for organisations including the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine, Contemporary Music Centre (Ireland), Facebook, Moving on Music, Sound and Music, Triyoga UK, and tertiary educational institutions around the world. In 2022 and 2023, she presented 66 workshops in schools across Ireland reaching 580 participants in an ambitious "Befriending Anxiety" programme with The Music Network. VOICE CHOICE Listen to Xenia’s favourite vocal performance ‘How Do I Get To Carnegie Hall?' by Sparks on the VocalScope Podcast Guests Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4pjclKQVRnnUnMW0vgu0H0%E2%81%A0 Attend Xenia's Befriending Performance Anxiety Course using our listeners 20% discount code: VOCALSCOPE20 https://xeniapestovabennett.com/perform Join the VOCALSCOPE BOOK CLUB Train your voice with JULIETTE CATON in the VOCALSCOPE VOICE STUDIO Follow Vocalscope on socials @vocalscope & @vocalscopevoice