004 - VocalScope: Kerrie Obert, Voice Researcher, reveals the challenges voice researchers face and shares wisdom she has gained from her career at the forefront of voice science and pedagogy.
VocalScope - A podcast by Host: Juliette Caton
Kerrie, fondly known to many as the ‘Twangspert’ for her fascinating research into Twang, gives us an insight into the difficulties she has encountered as a voice scientist, followed by a timely discussion about the importance of all voice practitioners remaining open to each other’s schools of thought and pedagogical methods in the interests of fostering an enquiring and engaged conversation about voice. Links: www.getvocal-now.com — Kerrie's science based platform of 30, 60, 90 minute science based certificated classes. Kerrie’s favourite artist’s song: - Stevie Wonder & Sting - How Fragile We Are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnZgNYoZkeU