Veterans for Peace Honoring the birth and legacy of Dr. King and linking his words to the Treaty on the Prohibition on Nuclear Weapons on its first anniversary.

Veterans for Peace Radio Hour - A podcast by jim wohlgemuth - Wednesdays

Today we link two events, the birthday of Dr. King and the anniversary of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. We hear Dr. King in his own words as he decries militarism in general and specifically nuclear weapons during his Nobel Peace Prize-winning lecture. We read an Op-Ed from the Oak Ridge Environment and Peace Alliance that links Dr. King with the TPNW and then we hear the words of Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, the Nobel Prize-winning organization the pushed for the TPNW. We note that Veterans for Peace, in the spirit of Dr. King and the spirit of Peace are issuing our own Nuclear Posture Review before the Biden Administration issues theirs.  We hear Dr. King's call to action and then we finish with Dr. King's favorite song, sung by Mahalia Jackson.

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