Feeling Alone - The Double Life of A Minority

Tierra Price, DVM, MPH will make you laugh, dance and cry- she is energetic, intelligent, passionate and wise.  Her wisdom comes from experience and the acknowledgement that "anything that is good requires change or growth and comes over time".  Join us as Tierra walks us through her journey of tagging along with her uncle the "dog catcher" to founding the much needed, incredibly important Black DVM Network. If you haven't had a chance to consider what being a minority in the veterinary profession can feel like, Tierra will simply and elegantly make it clear.  At Vet Med After Hours we believe that no one in vet med should feel alone, yet Tierra shows us that minorities feel just that - alone.  Thank you Tierra for creating Black DVM Network, and thank you for helping open the window into your world. It is people like you who bring goodness over time.

Om Podcasten

Vet Med After Hours podcast exists to inspire and empower veterinary support staff and professionals. Join us (a veterinarian practice owner and her client care specialist/clinic wellness coach) as we use candid conversations to give a voice to the people of vet med in a time when social media and the internet makes it hard for the public to see the person behind the medicine. We learn the stories that have built individuals into the compassionate, talented, strong team members that make this profession one that we love so much. Adversity, joy, tears, and success are experienced by each of us -you will find a bit of yourself in every episode. By knowing someone else shares your story, we hope that you feel empowered to inspire your teammates. We all share the ups and downs of this life and understand the roller coaster of the field - we will empower you to know it is okay to ask for help and to share your story as we normalize conversations about mental health and wellness. Our #vetyoumatter campaign will give you hope. Vet Med After Hours inspires, educates, makes you laugh, and starts conversations.