Shattering Myths The Other Side of Ukraine's Conflict with Dr. Ivan Katchanovski

Uncover the hidden narratives of the Euromaidan massacre with Dr.Ivan Katchanovski, a political scientist who dares to challenge the accepted story of the 2014 protests in Ukraine. Through a meticulous examination of evidence, Dr. Katchanovski proposes a controversial new perspective: the shots that rang out in Maidan Square may not have come from government forces, but from within insurgent-held areas such as Hotel Ukraina. This episode peels back layers of geopolitical intrigue and media he...

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Abandon all hope ye who subscribe here. Varn Vlog is the pod of C. Derick Varn. We combine the conversation on philosophy, political economy, art, history, culture, anthropology, and geopolitics from a left-wing and culturally informed perspective. We approach the world from a historical lens with an eye for hard truths and structural analysis.