The Liberation of Palestine from the River to the Sea w/ Nooran AlHamdan

May we be the generation that gifts our grandparents with a free Palestine.Over 200 Palestinians, including 61 children, have been killed in Gaza since violence erupted just over a week ago during the end of Ramadan and at least 1,500 Palestinians have been wounded.By the time I release this episode, please take into account that these numbers may change drastically.I can't help but to reiterate that the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has never stopped. It has been on a continuum for decades now and for the first time the world is coming together as a unifying force to call out the oppressors and to put an end to the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israel.The media has attempted to vilify the Palestinians by painting a picture as if it’s Israel against Hamas, or Israel vs  Gaza and the best one yet, Jews vs Muslims and the foundation of all of these news stories is that Israel is just  trying to defend itself.This couldn't be further from the truth and so, we the people have become the truth tellers, using social media to amplify what is truly taking place in our beloved homeland of Palestine.It’s our slingshots and our rocks against their military weapons. Yet, they say that we are the troublemakers and they, the Zionists, are the peacemakers.And as a reminder these weapons are funded and backed by the US. Just recently, Biden has approved a 735 million dollar weapons sale to Israel. The same USA that sends 3.8 billion dollars annually to fund the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.Ever since we were old enough to read and write, we have known about the plight of our people. It’s having to continuously reaffirm our identity, it’s witnessing someone tell you to your face, why can’t you guys just get along? It’s the deafening silence that has become the advantageous weapon of the Zionists.In today’s episode I had the privilege of sitting down with Nooran Alhamdan, someone whom I have always viewed as a powerful voice in the Palestinian movement. She explains to us the significance of Sheikh Jarrah, why Gaza is the scapegoat of Israel, how Zionism came about and how to refute their claims made against those who are for the liberation and freedom of Palestinians. I highly encourage that you support the work of Nooran and to share this discussion with family and friends who are seeking additional resources to better understand the plight of the Palestinian people.Enjoy and follow the pod on Instagram:@unsweetenedandunfilteredFollow Nooran Alhamdan on Twitter:@nooranhamdanCheck out the Podcast Episode Nooran mentioned:CHAPOTRAPHOUSE: Focus on Palestine feat.Mohammad Alsaafin

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A space for women to feel like they are not alone in the hardships or struggles that they are facing. Some conversations may be lighthearted, some may touch upon taboo topics, but the overall mission for this podcast is to make every woman realize that she is not alone in whatever struggle she may be going through. We are all in this together, I promise.