Episode 35 - Silja Litvin on healing our wounds so we don't hurt our children & why gaming is good for our mental health

In this episode Alice is joined by Silja Litvin. Silja is the psychologist, founder, and CEO of PsycApps, developer of the multi-award-winning eQuoo – the Emotional Fitness Game. Her Techstars portfolio company uses gamification and psychology to help people help themselves. I loved this conversation as it was amazing to talk about some topics not yet covered on the podcast such as post-partum anxiety and the growing pressures on women today. In this episode we talked all about: -  Silja's own journey from model to psychologist & techpreneur -  Her own struggle with post-partum anxiety  - The importance healing our own wounds so we don't pass them onto our children - Why and how A.I & gaming apps can help our mental health & even depression -  The power of service and gratitude -  Why no matter what qualification we may have - we all struggle in our own ways and need to ask for help sometimes - The raising pressures on women today    And so much more... Her specialty is in clinical psychology (depression and anxiety) as well as systemic psychology, the science of relationships.  Silja has multiple articles published in peer-reviewed journals and two evidence-based mobile mental health applications making her one of the UK’s leaders in mobile mental health. Due to her rather unusual career of modeling for 17 years, Silja has a unique approach to both the commercial and academic aspect of her products as well as years of self-dependent working experience Her emotional fitness game eQuoo worldwide. It is the only game on the NHS Apps Library    Find us on social media and let us know if you enjoyed the episode - we would love to hear from you: IG: @lawali_life Alice Law Linked In www.byalicelaw.com   Silja Litvin: www.siljalitvin.com IG: @siljalitvin @equoogame https://www.equoogame.com/      

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Unstressable is a series of enlightening conversations hosted by Stress Management Consultant, Reiki Master & International Speaker Alice Law, where she talks to various leaders in their fields on the greatest stresses & losses they have had to overcome & how they came back from them. With inspiration, heart warming honesty & tips & tricks to get you through your own & what will make you become Unstressable. IG: @lawali_life | www.lawali-life.com