The Purpose of Liquid Biopsy: Early Cancer Detection and Preventive Care with Jo Bhakdi of Quantgene

In this day and age, young people are now getting cancer at a tremendous rate.A constant worry in all our families is the fear that a family member - old or young - would suddenly emerge as someone who is battling the late stages of cancer. This would usually lead to thousands of dollars availing of treatment for an illness that's already widespread within the body without assurance that the cancer cells will be depleted in the body enough to consider the individual recovered. With that in mi...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the DNA Talks Podcast where we take on the mission of unlocking the code of your genetics. This season is all about you – upgrading your health not just on the surface, but down to the root cause. Join us, as your clinicians of The DNA Company investigate your DNA and beyond! Formerly the UNPILLED Podcast, the DNA Talks Podcast continues to be the innovative provider of  FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS SOLUTIONS for personalized and preventative health and wellness.