How Purpose - Led Leadership Can Transform Entire Organizations - Angela Cretu

Wonder what the CEO life is like? Angela Cretu, former CEO of AVON, shares her journey. From a small town in Romania to global force, Angela's 25-year career journey champions impact and relevance in a shifting business landscape. What drives her? Diversity. Growth. Vision. And two under appreciated tools - curiosity and humility. We unpacked so much about purpose led leadership: šŸ’” how humility sparks self confidence šŸ’” how the role of a leader is to serve šŸ’” how an organization's value have to be aligned with people values šŸ’” how to balance work and personal fulfillment šŸ’” how should a successful career look like I took so much from this conversation, but the biggest takeaway has been this: "Nothing from yesterday's experience can grant your success today". I hope you enjoy listening! I'd be so grateful if you could rate the podcast five stars.

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Hosted by Oana Leonte, Unmtchd. is your ultimate resource for uncovering the raw, unfiltered insights behind building impact-driven, consumer-obsessed brands. We dive deep with visionary founders, innovative marketers, and impactful leaders to reveal the secrets of creating brands that not only succeed but leave a lasting legacy.