Redefining Success and the Power of Personal Energy - Simon Alexander Ong

In this first episode of 2024, our guest is the amazing Simon Alexander Ong, successful entrepreneur, public speaker and coach, and author of ENERGIZE, a book that completely transformed the way I managed my energy in 2023. Simon and I discussed his transformative journey from finance to coaching and his belief that inner energy drives success. We talked about the power of maintaining a vision amidst change, capitalizing on adversity, and the beneficial 'eternal student mindset.' Simon left us with a reflection - success isn't about accolades, but the legacy we create through actions that touch lives. He calls us all to redefine our impact and live a life of purpose. Ready for an infusion of motivation that will linger long after the final note of this episode? Plug in your headphones NOW. Follow Simon: LinkedIn: Instagram: Twitter: Website: Follow Oana: YouTube: Instagram: LinkedIn: Sign up for The Unmtchd. Newsletter:

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Hosted by Oana Leonte, Unmtchd. is your ultimate resource for uncovering the raw, unfiltered insights behind building impact-driven, consumer-obsessed brands. We dive deep with visionary founders, innovative marketers, and impactful leaders to reveal the secrets of creating brands that not only succeed but leave a lasting legacy.