The Best Strategies for Launching your Podcast in 2024 - Ryan R. Sullivan

Ready to level up your marketing game in 2024? Then sit back and chill as Oana chats with Ryan from Podcasting Principles about his remarkable journey from working as a mechanic to finding his niche in the podcasting world. Ryan explains how this medium is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and fostering new relationships.Ryan and Oana talk about shifting trends from interview-style shows to solo and co-hosted formats, examining the challenges and rewards each brings. 0:01 - Exploring the Importance of Podcasting 9:47 - Podcast Listenership and Launches 13:46 - Evolution of Podcast Formats 20:16 - Podcasting insights 25:07 - Podcast Monetization and Content Strategy 38:25 - Podcasting's Value and Future Business 45:03 - Discussion on Online Platforms and Podcasting Follow Ryan: LinkedIn: Follow Oana:LinkedIn: YouTube: Sign up for The Unmtchd. newsletter:⁠ Podcast Principles⁠ is a done-for-you podcast launch company with a reputation for working with people of impact. Don't just be the speaker, own the Stage. From mentalists, professional soccer players, Army Rangers, public speakers, and coaches, Podcast Principles help impactful people create and scale their influence, grow their audiences, and build a brand.

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Hosted by Oana Leonte, Unmtchd. is your ultimate resource for uncovering the raw, unfiltered insights behind building impact-driven, consumer-obsessed brands. We dive deep with visionary founders, innovative marketers, and impactful leaders to reveal the secrets of creating brands that not only succeed but leave a lasting legacy.