Triptych Echoes...

Unlocking the Code - A podcast by Triffon

The best part of 5 years ago we set out to Unlock the Code to many mysteries and with this episode I believe we have joined some major dots... Angus brought me to the attention of the work done by Richard Cassaro on the Triptych architecture that echoes around the globe... However not only does it echo through the megaliths, it's the answer to the eternal question... What is god? It's you, it's me, it's everybody... We are the godself trying to achieve the balance between the light and the dark, the good and evil, the masculine and feminine within us all. I believe through the evidence that has continued to come in since we recorded this is the Triptych megalithic architecture echoes the last time science & spirituality were one... However I'll let you decide, enjoy this one, we did.

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