S2, Ep1: Tamara Mellon OBE | Founder, Jimmy Choo | High Risk, High Reward

Season Two has landed! We’re certainly kicking off in style with leading creative and Jimmy Choo founder, Tamara Mellon. Not only an incredible businesswoman but also a leader in the world of fashion design, whose innovations continually push the industry forward. 

With a fierce and hardened attitude to risk, Tamara’s choices are often ambitious but never fail to create trends that many then proceed to follow. From her designs to how she runs her businesses, the results are always distinct, bold and noteworthy. Tamara has an abundance of wisdom and life experience that led to an interview that’s compelling regardless of whether you consider yourself a creative, an entrepreneur or a balance of both. 



  • Why being a daydreamer is a good thing and why we should all be encouraged to do it more.
  • What ‘first movers disadvantage’ is and why the most original of ideas often fail spectacularly before going on to succeed.
  • And the mantra that Tamara instils in all of those that work for her — “the risky way is the safe way, and the safe way is the risky way.



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Season Two is here! Welcome to the Unlocking Creativity podcast - a show that's all about ideas. How to have more of them, how to have better ones and how they can change our lives. My name’s Daniel Brookes and by day I’m a Television Producer whose job it is to come up with brand new shows and generally obsess about all things creative. Join me as I speak to trailblazers from the creative business worlds of design, film, fashion, TV, music, art, performance, tech, business, food and more. Together we'll talk about the thoughts that changed their lives, their creative processes and their tips and tricks for how they come up with their best ideas. Daniel Brookes | Host of Unlocking Creativity Twitter: @danielrbrookes Instagram: @danielrbrookes Email: [email protected] Website: www.unlockingcreativitypodcast.com