BIG SISTER ADVICE 🎙️👯♀️|نصائح تمنيت كون عرفتهم و لا تقالو ليا🩷📝( Relationships🙈,friends😮💨…)
unlimited talk by sanaeslaaay. - A podcast by Sanae Slaaay

this episode is all about advice i wish i knew way earlier 🩷 about relationships, friends, boys, confidence… i have a lot of girls under 18, young girls, and i feel the need to teell y’all this or just to say it at least once on my podcasts/videos🦁👯♀️💕 BUT don’t worryy there’s waayy more podcasts coming 🎀🫶🏼 see you in the next episode MOUAHH 🌞