While You Were Dreaming

With the help of a cutting-edge and therapeutic AI, Nora travels into her dreams to solve her "Mommy issues." But in searching for her mother and closure, she finds only nightmares. Written By: Katie Rose Rogers Narrated By: Katie McGrath Collection Theme: "Machine Dreams": Stories about Androids, AI & Advanced Technology OTHER CREDITS: Podcast Created, Produced & Edited by: Robbie Hyne Episode Associate Producer: Noah James Intro & Outro Music by: Noah James Intro & Outro Narration by: Anthony Keyvan Podcast Artwork by: Brendan Haley (insta: @haleydoodledo) Episode Artwork by: James Nagel & Robbie Hyne

Om Podcasten

(Un)Likeminded: A Sci-Fi Audio Anthology is a short story podcast that brings together like-minded creatives to do what they love— tell stories. Each season of (Un)Likeminded is centered around a theme. With only that theme in mind, the writers of the collection are tasked with creating original narratives— wherever their mind takes them. Together with some amazing actors narrating and bringing these stories to life, we’ll explore how a singular theme can birth incredibly varied characters, worlds and ideas… and how even the most like-minded creatives can create vastly (un)alike stories.