Typographic Chinese Whispers - Mata Hari 1/1
November 2010 Typeradio held a two day workshop in cooperation with Indra Kupferschmid and 12 students of the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste (HBK Saar) in Saarbrücken, Germany. Each student was assigned a typeface designed by a Dutch designer with the question ‘How do you interpret the typeface into a one minute sound piece?’ The resulting 12 sound pieces were the starting point of a new workshop in collaboration with Jan Willem Stas and 12 students of the Type and Media master coarse, The Hague, The Netherlands. Each student was allocated an (anonymously labelled) sound piece and their challenge was to ‘create a typeface inspired by the sound’. The results were quite a surprise! 1) Original typeface: Mata Hari by Max Kisman 2) Sound piece by Mesa Wong 3) Chinese whispered typeface by Yassin Baggar Yassin first analyzed the content of the sound piece and discovered that one part was Churchill speaking about the war and another part was taken from a movie. The movie is situated in Venice, Italy, so Yassin decided to move in that direction with his typeface. He started with sketching some italics. He transformed the love story from the movie in round shapes and curves. For the more dramatic part, the part about the war, he used more edgy angles. So in the end the letters are connecting and somewhat hurting each other. left: Mata Hari by Max Kisman, right: Chinese Whispered Mata Hari by Yassin Baggar