The story behind the man behind Sanctum Healthcare with Jonathan Edgeley

We know what you're thinking 'what's Sanctum Healthcare'? Well, in short it is a registered provider of mental health and addiction services based in Cheshire. And that is all we are telling you, you will have to listen if you want to know more won't you? So anyway, Jonathan is one of the founders of Sanctum and his journey to this is long and varied.  "Aren't they all" we hear you shout!  Well, yes they are but this one is even more long and varied than usual. After leaving school at 18 before he took his A Levels, Jonathan was lucky enough to get a job through his Dad selling some sort of techy thing  that we don't really know what he means, but it doesn't really matter now anyway.  He spent 13 years working in IT and loved the sales side of things but not particularly the tech.   He also loved the 'jollies' that came with a sales career back in the day which don't tend to happen much these days.  However, the 'jollies' were not great for a guy like Jonathan who soon discovered that he was suffering from issues associated with poor mental health, namely alcoholism and anxiety. Having no off switch often left him partying way longer than his colleagues did and eventually as these issues, and age, caught up with him, he found himself on a downward spiral.  He lost his driving licence and therefore his career took a nose dive which then changed his lifestyle and his relationships.   In December 2006 his dad staged an intervention and sent him to a rehab centre in South Africa where he spent 4 months and  managed to stop drinking and taking, what he describes as 'mind and mood altering substances'.  After this he went from strength to strength setting up a couple of very successful businesses but then disaster struck and he relapsed, he started drinking again and he carried on drinking for three and a half more years. Listen in to find out more about how Jonathan went from helping himself out of alcoholism to helping his high earning clients recover from their struggles with things like alcohol & substance addiction,  depression, anxiety, eating disorders and many others. If you want to find out more about Jonathan and what Sanctum Healthcare offers then you can visit the website at although you won't find much there as what they do is super discreet to protect the reputation and anonymity of their clients.  There is more info on Linkedin here and get this, you can even just pick up the phone retro styleee and call him on this number 07832 964126. We hope you enjoy listening to this episode, we loved recording it and managed to still have a laugh despite the sensitivity of the subject. Feedback welcome as per! With Love Michelle and Jayne

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An honest and down to earth podcast for business owners and wannabe business owners looking at all aspects of how we blend business and pleasure and all of the other dross that life as human beings throws at us. Expect topics like whether we should work on holiday, dealing with imposter syndrome and daring to ditch the secure job with a regular income and go it alone, all discussed with a series of amazing guests who know exactly what we are talking about. Listen to Two Northern Lasses for inspiring, informative and entertaining content delivered in a real, down to earth northern way.