Reigniting your career with best selling author of She's Back - Lisa Unwin

Lisa is a really interesting woman and has had a varied career as have many of our guests but what stands out about Lisa is that whilst taking a career break to raise her children she realised that finding her way back to her once loved career had become much more difficult than she had first thought it would be.  Then she realised something else - she wasn't alone!  And instead of sitting back and letting this happen, she took action and then co-wrote a book to show the rest of us how to take action too. We have both been reading this book and wished we had discovered it sooner, it has some many helpful tips and inspiring stories in it.  Give this episode a listen to find out how Lisa came to be doing this and what she is up to these days. As ever, we would love to know what you think. Oh, and buy the book here - you won't regret it.

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An honest and down to earth podcast for business owners and wannabe business owners looking at all aspects of how we blend business and pleasure and all of the other dross that life as human beings throws at us. Expect topics like whether we should work on holiday, dealing with imposter syndrome and daring to ditch the secure job with a regular income and go it alone, all discussed with a series of amazing guests who know exactly what we are talking about. Listen to Two Northern Lasses for inspiring, informative and entertaining content delivered in a real, down to earth northern way.