Pivoting your business in difficult times with gym owner Claire O'Meara

When the lockdown was even threatening to hit, Claire and her husband Brendan had a plan!  They always have a plan which is great right? So as the crisis rapidly approached us here in the UK the owners of The Lifestyle Studios in Scissett, Huddersfield were busy making plans and considering 'what if?' which meant that when some social distancing rules came into play early in March they added more classes to their member timetable but cut the number of people able to attend down to just 8, changed the class plans so people were working solely in their own areas and with their own equipment.  Following each class, they would disinfect EVERYTHING and go again with the next 8.  It was a great plan. Then, the inevitable happened and the government announced that all gyms were to be closed one Friday tea time and true to form, yes you guessed it, they had another plan.  They spent all that night getting together their equipment so that they could lend them to their PT clients and they could continue their sessions online, they were all given separate collection slots on the Saturday morning so were able to kick off with their online PT sessions really quickly.  They did the same for their class members and have been successfully running their usual classes via zoom for over a month now.  Unbelievably and to their credit, they have not lost a single member and they maintain the community that they have worked hard to achieve over the last 7 years. We just know they are going to be in an even stronger position once the lockdown is lifted and no doubt they will have yet another plan!  A class for any non members that have developed bad habits and lost any fitness they did have might be one to consider Claire!! We know at least one person that would be up for that! 😀 If you want to know more about Claire and her businesses here are the helpful links for you https://www.linkedin.com/in/claireomeara1/ https://www.facebook.com/TheLifestyleStudios https://www.instagram.com/thelifestylestudios/ https://www.facebook.com/thecocollective https://www.instagram.com/thecocollectiveuk/

Om Podcasten

An honest and down to earth podcast for business owners and wannabe business owners looking at all aspects of how we blend business and pleasure and all of the other dross that life as human beings throws at us. Expect topics like whether we should work on holiday, dealing with imposter syndrome and daring to ditch the secure job with a regular income and go it alone, all discussed with a series of amazing guests who know exactly what we are talking about. Listen to Two Northern Lasses for inspiring, informative and entertaining content delivered in a real, down to earth northern way.