Ep. 4: I see everything as an opportunity

Hey Everyone,Welcome to episode four of the Two Coach Confidence podcast. Our aim with this podcast is to bring fun and interesting guests from all areas and walks of life to share their knowledge, stories and experiences of this mystical and subjective topic we refer to as confidenceIn today's episode we are joined by Kerry Williams, Brand Manager for Nike Training in the UK & Ireland. Kerry shares her amazing journey from being an international hockey player for 10 years to now working in arguably the most well known brand in the world. Kerry opens up and very kindly shares the personal challenges she has overcome along the way, from not making the 2008 and 2012 Olympics to now being a single mother whilst holding a senior leadership role within Nike.In this episode, we talk about,Kerry's earliest memories of wanting to go to the Olympics.How in Kerry's opinion confidence is being content with who you are.The power in seeing everything as an opportunity, and how that impacts Kerry’s confidence.Kerry shares with us how the strength of her two Grandmothers has developed her mindset and work ethic.We discuss the importance of having confidence to say, “I don't know” as a senior leader, and how this leadership style encourages a sense of openness and vulnerability within Kerry’s team.How her Father would always encourage Kerry to think, if not you then who? How one particular coach believing in her changed her belief and confidence in herself.That even though she didn’t make the 2012 Olympic team she knew she was good enough.How Kerry was one of the only females of colour in the international sports system and also one of the few that had been state schooled.How Kerry had her “world pause” 4 years ago when she decided to get divorced and become a single Mum.We discuss home life during Covid whilst working in a senior leadership role being a single Mum, and how she’s sharing that journey with Nike.Kerry discusses what it means to have unshakeable confidence, and her top tips for creating it.We wrap the episode up with Kerry sharing how important it was for her to have a vision for transitioning away from hockey to holding a role within Nike.As you will hear Kerry has an authentic, powerful presence, whilst at the same time sharing openly and honestly about the journey she has been on. It is fair to say this conversation is inspirational and packed full of content that demonstrates that having unshakable confidence is more than achievable if you are willing to put the work in.Please Enjoy!If you enjoy the podcast, please SUBSCRIBE to our show and leave a review. Even better, please feel free to share with anyone you feel would value from the information we provide. Links from the episodeBecoming - Michelle Obama documentary https://www.netflix.com/gb/title/81122487The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse - Book by Charlie Mackesy - https://amzn.to/2XvZcqg For more information on Kerry visit,Insta is https://www.instagram.com/kerryjwilliams9/For more information about Kerry's work visit,Website: https://www.kerryhearsey.com   For more information about Adams work visit,Website: My Coach For Life | Life beyond limits

Om Podcasten

It's Adam and Kerry here. Welcome to the Two Coach Podcast. Our aim with this podcast is to bring fun and interesting guests from all areas and walks of life to share their knowledge, stories, and experiences of this mystical and subjective topic of MINDSET. Our first 40 episodes focussed on CONFIDENCE and we now continue to explore the world of the MIND and how this impacts everything in life, business, performance, sport and more. Come join our crew - https://www.facebook.com/groups/twocoachconfidencecrew