Twin flame masculine perspective Male perspective
Twin Flame Guides: Spirituality And The Twin Flame Journey, Ascension, Awakening, Golden Age - A podcast by Twin Flame Guides: Spirituality And The Twin Flame Journey, Ascension, Awakening

❤️Join the Twin Flame Soul Journey Tribe to get support on the twin flame journey with exclusive masterclasses, Q&As , book club, and a sacred community 👉 ❤️ Connect with a twin flame psychic on Keen 👉 Try your first 10 minutes for $1.99 We receive commissions for referrals to Keen. We only recommend services we trust. ❤️ Easily Manifest Faster, Harmonious Union With Your Twin Flame: Watch Our FREE Training And 3 Step Process 👉 ✨ The divine masculine perspective on twin flames, twin flame reunion and the twin flame journey. A few videos have been made on this subject but this is coming from the perspective of myself, Stef, a twin flame IN REUNION with my twin flame. So I have a lot to go through and a lot to share with you about twin flames. I thought it'd be interesting to make a masculine perspective video, because I've not actually seen many. I think I've seen maybe one video on YouTube, where it's a guy talking about the twin flame perspective… Not much more. I thought it would be an interesting thing to talk about. So there's a few, there's a few things I want to talk about in this video. I want to talk about ‘societal norms’, and balancing masculine and feminine energy. And then I want to talk about how it was for me, my experience with, you know, meeting Julia, and just the whole twin flame thing in general. Because it's, it's a huge topic.. It's, it's not something you can just explain in one post, but this is I guess my unique and honest perspective about the whole thing. How I Got Started With Spirituality So in terms of spirituality, when I first started getting involved with spirituality and asking serious questions about philosophy, the world, why we're here, purpose, you know, life after death and all of this sort of thing… And… when I first started learning about that sort of thing, there were certain things that sounded like they were nonsense to me. They sounded like they ‘weren't real’. They didn't make sense. I didn't understand them. And I thought they were crazy. Okay. So when I, I got started with lucid dreaming, I learned how to lucid dream. And that opened my mind to being able to control dreams, being able to interact with your subconscious mind, and sort of get more involved with what's going on in our brains. That was one of the first places that I started. But with, I guess you could say discovering reality, discovering things about the human experience about the universe and all of that stuff. And this followed my experience as a kid of astral projection of having an OBE. And I thought it was so intense that I never told anyone about it, except my, I think I told my parents when I woke up, because I was so excited. I was, you know, I was freaked out. But since then, up until very recently, I haven't really told anyone about that because I didn't think they would believe me. Society Doesn’t Believe Something Until It’s ‘Proven’ There are so many aspects of spirituality, so many experiences, that we either close ourselves off to and don't believe in, or we do believe in them, but we're so scared of what people think, that we never tell anyone. It’s crazy. ******************************************************* 🔥 INSTAGRAM - / 🔥 FACEBOOK GROUP - / tfguides 🔥 EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS - / twinflameguides 🔥 DONATE - 🔥 PODCAST - Search for ‘Twin Flame Guides’