Paddy Hull - Part 1: Growing Purposeful Leaders at Unilever

Paddy Hull is the VP of Future of Work at Unilever. In this role, he is responsible for bringing Unilever’s social commitments on the Future of Work to life, to help people stay fit for work – now and in the future. This involves delivering on three commitments: equipping Unilever people for the future of work, pioneering new flexible employment options, and partnering with others to create jobs and skills for young people outside of Unilever. He has identified his purpose as "To bring the es...

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We are living in the decade of disruption. Henna Inam, author, executive coach and board member shares on-the-spot coaching exercises you can apply immediately to leadership challenges. Learn from experts about how to be an inspired and agile force for good in the midst of disruption.