A Road Trip with Trouble - TBH 26
Touched by Heaven - Everyday Encounters with God - A podcast by Trapper Jack (Philip Keller) - Sundays
Armando DeLeon was a heroin addict for more than 20 years. He saw demons smiling at him in hopes of grabbing his soul. Stop By for a Visit Check out our new website: Trapper Jack Speaks Share Your Story We are receiving great feedback and some amazing stories. We would love to hear about your Touched by Heaven moment. To share your story, click here and leave us a note. Support Us Through Patreon A special thank you to our new supporters. We feel so blessed. Our daily prayers are for all of you, our listeners and supporters. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly. If our programs are a blessing to you, please consider becoming a patron. God bless you!