TTI E15 5 Reasons Parents Burn Out

BURN OUT is REAL but sadly many parents don't recognise when they need a rest or refuse to accept that their own wellbeing is as (possibly more) important as their children's. In this episode Andrew & Louise share what they've experienced and what they do to stay far from the land of parenting burn out.1. Your expectations are too high2. You struggled with disciplining your children3. You compare yourself to other parents4. You let your kids rule5. You never take time for yourselfLet us know what you think on facebook and instagram

Om Podcasten

The Toddlers, Teens and Inbetweens Podcast brings you advice and experiences from the wonderful and sometimes scary world of parenting. In each episode Andrew & Louise talk openly about their personal journey of parenting their 5 children through the toddler, teen and inbetween years. Listen in and learn how you too can thrive on your parenting adventure!