Philip Larkin and Thomas Hardy
Tiny In All That Air - A podcast by The Philip Larkin Society
Philip Larkin was just five years old when Hardy died in 1928, but this English poet and novelist was going to have a profound influence on Larkin’s writing. To discuss some of the connections between Larkin and Hardy, Lyn is joined by Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Hull Jane Thomas and composer Arthur Keegan. Thomas Hardy Novels: Jude the Obscure, Far From the Madding Crowd, Jude the Obscure, A Pair of Blue Eyes, Thomas Hardy Collections: The Dynasts, Winter Words, Poems 1912-13 Thomas Hardy poems: Drummer Hodge, Neutral Tones, Afterwards, Lying Awake, A Circular Philip Larkin poems: No Road, The Mower, Aubade, Skin Other references: DH Lawrence, Sappho, Darwin, JS Mill, WB Yeats, Dylan Thomas, Gustav Holst, Gerald Finzie, Ivor Gurney, Nicholas Moore (composer), Benjamin Britten, Imogen Holst, Robin Milford, Henry Handel Richardson, Early Larkin by James Underwood (Bloomsbury 2021) Philip Larkin: Life, Art and Love by James Booth (Bloomsbury 2015) The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse ed Philip Larkin (Oxford 1973) Required Writing- Miscellaneous Pieces by Philip Larkin (1955-1982) Faber 1983 (‘Wanted, a good Hardy critic’) Astonishing the Brickwork by James L. Orwin (Dancing Sisters, 2022) Peaches by The Stranglers (1977)/ Budmouth Dears by Thomas Hardy (first published in The Dynasts, 1908), Elegies for Emma/Elegies for Tom Produced by Lyn Lockwood and Gavin Hogg Please email Lyn at [email protected] with any questions or comments PLS Membership and information: Theme music: 'The Horns Of The Morning' by The Mechanicals Band. Buy 'The Righteous Jazz' at their Bandcamp page: