Ep 1: Dealing with rejection (Basant Shenouda | Customer Success @ LinkedIn)

Basant Shenouda learned to embrace rejection—as an immigrant in Germany, searching for work on a temporary visa, she didn’t have much choice. She joins us to share tips on dealing with rejection, how she became LinkedIn famous, and why she took a 6-hour train ride to get some answers after being rejected for a job. Check out our other episodes on our website or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Through the Looking Jar explores how we can make remote work more effective, compassionate and humane. For many, the transition to remote work in 2020 was an overnight phenomenon. But for the team at Hotjar, this is business as usual. Join us as we invite a series of experts to talk about the things that matter—from mental health at work to why meetings suck (and how to fix them). This podcast is brought to you by Hotjar. More than a million businesses use Hotjar to optimize their online shops and digital experiences. Sign up free at hotjar.com