Lyn Alden: Can Anything Stop The Runaway Train Of Fiscal Deficits?
Thoughtful Money with Adam Taggart - A podcast by Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money

One of the biggest forces boosting both economic growth and asset price appreciation over recent years has been the explosion of higher fiscal deficit spending -- sending the prices of all assets including growth stocks, gold and Bitcoin soaring. Today's guest, analyst Lyn Alden, predicts we'll be stuck with these these large deficits for a long time to come, often repeating in her writing that "nothing stops this train". Why? And if indeed so, what are the implications for investors? And furthermore, with a new US presidential Administration publicly committed to reducing government spending, is the train truly unstoppable? For answers, we'll ask Lyn directly. Lyn, thanks so much for joining us today! BUY YOUR TICKET AT THE EARLY BIRD PRICE FOR OUR MARCH 15 CONFERENCE at