'Higher For Longer' Inflation To Upend Markets, Create Opportunities | Tavi Costa
Thoughtful Money with Adam Taggart - A podcast by Adam Taggart | Thoughtful Money

Recent inflation reports show that it's proving "sticky", stubbornly refusing to recede down to the target rates that central banks are shooting for. But rather than simply staying sticky, could it actually start surging again? Today's guest expert thinks it could due to growing global economic imbalances. If that happens, what will the implications be? And can investors to proactively today to prepare? For answers, we turn to macro and commodities expert Tavi Costa of Crescat Capital. Follow Tavi at https://www.crescat.net/ SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW with Thoughtful Money's endorsed financial advisors at https://www.thoughtfulmoney.com #inflation #interestrates #commodities