Blurred Lines / Scream Copycat Knife Attack

They Walk Among Us - UK True Crime - A podcast by They Walk Among Us

The ground was too uneven for George to attempt to follow the route to the stream that flowed 30 feet below, so he watched as his dog sniffed the ground behind large rocks. The animal was fixated on a black bin liner, and from George’s perspective, two logs sticking out of it. A faint whimpering sound echoed up from the stream. George strained his eyes and realised that the bundle he assumed was rubbish was actually a boy, who was crying for help... *** LISTENER CAUTION IS ADVISED ***   This episode was researched and written by Eileen Macfarlane.Script editing, additional writing, illustrations and production direction by Rosanna FittonNarration, audio editing, additional writing, and production direction by Benjamin Fitton.Become a ‘Patreon Producer’ and get exclusive access to Season 1, early ad-free access to episodes, and your name in the podcast credits. Find out more here: information and episode references can be found on our website https://theywalkamonguspodcast.comMUSIC: Illusion by Cody Martin Endless Night by Moments St Mary by Chelsea McGough Pursuit Of Wonder by Caleb Etheridge West by Shimmer The Greater Good by Craig Allen Fravel Driven To The Edge by Salon Dijon Disappearance by Wicked Cinema Extinction by Wicked Cinema SOCIAL MEDIA: X - - - - this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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