Truth Or Dare Confession / Fatal Heysham House Fire

They Walk Among Us - UK True Crime - A podcast by They Walk Among Us

In the early morning hours of May 28th, 2018, as usual, Levens Drive was peaceful. Shortly after 4 AM, however, an early riser in the neighbourhood noticed the distinct aroma of smoke in the air. As she glanced out of her bedroom window, she could see that her neighbour’s bungalow was up in flames, with thick black smoke billowing from the windows. She immediately called the Fire Service and then hurried outside, where she was met by a disturbing sound cutting through the passing smoke. Although the noise was muffled, it sounded like a woman screaming for help…*** LISTENER CAUTION IS ADVISED ***   This episode was researched and written by Emily G. Thompson.Script editing, additional writing, illustrations and production direction by Rosanna FittonNarration, editing, additional writing, and production direction by Benjamin Fitton.Listen to our companion podcast ‘They Walk Among America' here: a ‘Patreon Producer’ and get exclusive access to Season 1, early ad-free access to episodes, and your name in the podcast credits. Find out more here: information and episode references can be found on our website https://theywalkamonguspodcast.comMUSIC: They All Belong by Moments Ancient Ground by Moments Crooked Man by Wicked Cinema Endless Night by Moments Quiet Desperation Part 2 by JCar The Birth Of A Planet by Falls The Greater Good by Craig Allen Fravel A Most Sinister Kind by Dresden, The Flamingo Onward by Chelsea McGough Stopped Time by Moments St. Mary by Chelsea McGough They Walk Among Us is part of the Acast Creator Network - MEDIA: Twitter - - - this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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