One For Gain And One For Revenge / Where Is Danny's Body?

They Walk Among Us - UK True Crime - A podcast by They Walk Among Us

Daniel Hathaway, more commonly known as Danny, left his home at a travellers site off Gretton Brook Road in Corby, Northamptonshire. Shortly after receiving a phone call, the 44-year-old, who worked as a mechanic, had told Diane, his partner of around 15 years, that he was just popping out. Still dressed in his blue-grey overalls with a green logo that read “Just Transits”, Danny exited the blue and cream-coloured double-decker bus where he lived with his partner and their children, Samuel and Ellie. Danny was expected back home later that evening on Wednesday, February 7th, 2007…  *** LISTENER CAUTION IS ADVISED ***   This episode was researched and written by Eileen Macfarlane.Script editing, additional writing, illustrations and production direction by Rosanna FittonNarration, editing, additional writing, and production direction by Benjamin Fitton.Listen to our companion podcast ‘They Walk Among America' here: a ‘Patreon Producer’ and get exclusive access to Season 1, early ad-free access to episodes, and your name in the podcast credits. Find out more here: information and episode references can be found on our website https://theywalkamonguspodcast.comMUSIC: Sussex by Stephen Keech Retreat by Chelsea McGough Salvation by Moments Shadow Passage by Cody Martin Continuum by Colossus Negative Thoughts by Craig Allen Fravel The Part Where They Got Into A Fight by Stephen Keech Memoir by Lincoln Davis They Walk Among Us is part of the Acast Creator Network - MEDIA: Twitter - - - this show Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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