Publicizing Your Book
Karen Villanueva is a publicist specializing in the promotion of authors. She began her career in the record industry in Toronto, where she held positions such as national buyer for Canada's second-largest retail chain, and went on to become an award-winning national publicity director for a Canadian record company. She has promoted world-class actors; classical, jazz, and rock musicians; comedians; ice skating champions; television show launches; and special corporate and city-sponsored events. Karen now lives in New Mexico and promotes regional and nationally renowned authors through media outlets such as USA Today, CNN, the Associated Press, and various print and electronic media. In this informative interview, Karen tells: * What an independent publicist does (that your publisher does not) * What to expect when approaching the media * How you can effectively publicize an older book * What book tours are really like * The easiest kinds of books to promote...and the most difficult * How much it costs to hire a publicist * The one thing authors on tour (and everywhere) must always do