Episode 7 - Emily Reynolds

In this episode we talk to YST's recently appointed National Programmes Director Emily Reynolds around the subjects of play, sport for all and leadership. We also touch on the recent #ReframeCompetition campaign.If you enjoy this podcast please remember to like, share and subscribe on Spotify, Acast, iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts from. Our next episode will be released across all platforms on Monday 20 January.Support the show (https://www.youthsporttrust.org/yst-podcast)

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A Well School places just as much emphasis on wellbeing as it does on academic performance. It understands that children and young people are more effective learners when they are happy and well and that they must take care of their staff and their pupils wellbeing to create a culture that allows everyone to reach their potential.Well Schools is a growing community of like-minded professionals and stakeholders who believe that wellbeing should be at the heart of education. Wellbeing should permeate all aspects of education and be the foundation of the culture that staff and pupils experience. By registering free to the Well School community you are committing to join the movement for change in education, connect with colleagues across the UK to share resources and support each other and celebrate the impact of your Well School.