052 3 Fun Games to Help Fit Your Voice Training in Over Christmas

Christmas is almost here, a time to celebrate and spend time with our loved ones. Still, that shouldn't be a reason to stop taking care of our voices. To keep things playful while caring for our voices during the holidays, I came up with three fun festive-themed voice games.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The Lip Trill Olympics - Three Festive-themed Tongue Twisters - The Hydration Station These exercises shouldn't take you away from your family. You can drop them right there while you celebrate. Remember that although we might be on time off from our voicing work, Christmas is a time when we do lots of talking, so being careful is something our voice will thank us for.  Resources: - Sign Up for my Free Voice Training Week https://nicolaredman.com/new-year-new-voice/ - Nic on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nicredvoice/ - Downloadable Courses https://nicolaredman.com/voice-coach/ - Join the Voice & Accent Hub https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthub

Om Podcasten

The Voice Coach Podcast is for people who work with the spoken voice - speakers, actors, podcasters, voiceover artists and presenters. Nic Redman, leading vocal coach, shares insights and knowledge on how to improve your speaking voice and vocal health, whether you are performing or presenting on stages, on microphone or presenting on camera. Vocal care impacts your performance, your vocal clarity and your presentation delivery. Learn how to go beyond a basic warm up to stand out vocally and look after your voice properly.