047 What are Plosives and Fricatives?

The Voice Coach Podcast - A podcast by Nic Redman


This week, we will go through some necessary and exciting theories about sounds. After working with the basics of articulation, release and toning, the next natural step is learning about the sounds of words. In this show, we will divide our speaking sounds into two large groups, vowels and consonants, and we will dive into the mechanics of how these sounds are produced. Hop on and join me in today's entertaining technical interlude.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The difference between obstructed and unobstructed sounds - What are short, long, and sliding vowels, and how we can identify them - What are plosive and fricative sounds, and what is the difference between them - What are voiced and unvoiced fricatives The main goal of learning to identify the elements of our voicing is to use this information to our advantage and produce lovely, expressing and engaging sounds. This way, we can avoid making annoying sounds on the mic, like extreme explosions from our plosives, which distort our words' sounds.  Resources: - Join the Voice and Accent Hub https://www.facebook.com/groups/thevoiceandaccenthub - The Vocal Arts Workbook by David and Rebecca Carey https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9780713688245?gC=5a105e8b&gclid=CjwKCAiA1aiMBhAUEiwACw25MQoCQN-Bbilj94XuIM6AGBN7LONglde46HhBT_Y-34153484FgIsiBoCm9YQAvD_BwE - Seeing Speech - MRI scans of speech sounds https://www.seeingspeech.ac.uk/ipa-charts/ - Downloadable courses to study in your own time https://nicolaredman.com/voice-coach/#download - Book a call to discuss coming to my voice training retreat https://nicolaredman.com/voice-coach/courses-and-retreats/ultimate-voice-getaway-retreat/ - Follow me on Instagram and share your twister attempt https://www.instagram.com/nicredvoice/Mentioned in this episode:Buy Nic's BookHead to onthemicbook.com to get your copy nowGet my book hereGet my book here

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