Exploring the Information Layer with Bram Wessel

The UX Hustle - A podcast by Amanda Worthington


Bram Wessel is a Principal and Founder at Factor Firm, an information architecture consultancy out of Seattle, Washington that has done work for a few brands you've probably heard of including Adobe, Amazon, Disney, Intel and Microsoft.  Bram has spent more than 20 years as a human-centered design professional, thought leader and speaker advocating for the IA/UX discipline. As if he wasn't cool enough, he also teaches the discipline to the next generation via his advanced User Experience and certificate Information Architecture classes at the School of Visual Concepts and as a guest lecturer at the University of Washington’s MCDM and MLIS programs. In this episode of the podcast, we discuss how UX designers really are modern day philosophers, how that all-important sweet spot between technical development and design expression, the information layer, has been neglected for far too long, and how Agile development is an unattainable goal. Be warned, this is a geeky one! Enjoy!


Bram’s IA Shop: https://factorfirm.com/

OOUX Strategist Certification: https://www.rewiredux.com/services/certification

OOUX Free Webinar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DByNw3xvmBnr106wf4VSgRqrnobnj8g2/view?usp=sharing

Enterprise Experience Conference: https://rosenfeldmedia.com/enterprise2020/

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