We're Gonna Get Through This

Join me and Life Coaching Liz Applegate as we dive into subjects like: Where you’re at with figuring out of this time How you’re taking care of yourself emotionally and physicallyWhat changes (if any) you’re making to your business because of itObservations, insights, lightbulb momentsAny predictions for how you see this crisis changing the way we work and run our businesses in the short, medium and long term. What’s giving you JOY right now - yep, we’re going to talk about the good stuff too because we need it more than ever right now. Books, TV, Movies, Music - the works. It’s clear that we are in uncharted territory. No one alive has ever lived through a global pandemic let alone run a business during one. The fact is, we’re figuring this out as we go along, testing out what business approaches and strategies are still working,  where we need to pivot and what’s ‘likely’ to happen over the next few weeks and months. On top of that, we’re having to adjust to new personal circumstances (hello homeschooling) navigate the fear and grief that go with these current times and it’s clear that we are most definitely not in Kansas anymore, Toto. Liz Applegate is a certified life & biz coach who helps Gen-X women tired of the good girl rules stop playing small and redesign their lives. Besides having her own coaching practice, she is also a lead coach for Your Kick-Ass Life and has been on the leadership team of the Courageous Living Coach Certification since 2016, helping to teach and coach close to 200 trainees through online and in-person trainings. Liz has been called an “inner critic whisperer” by clients who work with her. Those who know her best call her “Mama Liz” because of the care she provides them as well as the loving kick-in-the-pants she can give, when needed.BreakingTheGoodGirlRules.com

Om Podcasten

In a world that tells us that slick and shiny is the only way to go when it comes to building our businesses, I'm here to provide an alternative.I'm Jo Casey and I'm the coach that you come to when you've grown tired of the bro marketers and their obsessions with the size of their funnels are and how early they get up every morningIn this podcast, I'm going to be sharing the Unshiny approach to doing business. And how this can lead to greater connections, more clients, and an all-around lovelier way of doing things. It's all about showing up fully as our genuine selves. Yes. Even with the imperfection and the messiness that can come along with that.I'm going to be having conversations with fellow business owners, but also people who are pioneers in changing our perceptions of success and who we have to be to attain that. So join me each week as we dive into helping you build your Unshiny business.