Friday Q&A How Do I Build An Audience Without Feeling Overwhelmed?

Today's question comes from Marianne:"I have a holistic wellness program with 1:1 support that I created and have run 3 times with beta testers. I'm in the beginning stages of building an audience (beautiful opt-in, blog, newsletters, Instagram and Facebook) but am having difficulty with consistency and am unsure if this is the way to build an audience. I offered my program to my small audience and a few groups for the experience of going through the sales process (and... crickets, but no surprise there).What's the road to building an audience? Can I do this alone? Always needing to create more content, connection and community in addition to actually working with clients is seeming a little insurmountable at the moment!"I hear ya! Running a business can feel like a ferocious monster demanding to be fed!But I've got some answers for how you can make it all much easier and enjoyable. PLUS I talk about why Resilience is the core skillset entrepreneurs need - not more than ever. And you can get 25% off my new course, The Resilience Business Owner until Monday - check it out at

Om Podcasten

In a world that tells us that slick and shiny is the only way to go when it comes to building our businesses, I'm here to provide an alternative.I'm Jo Casey and I'm the coach that you come to when you've grown tired of the bro marketers and their obsessions with the size of their funnels are and how early they get up every morningIn this podcast, I'm going to be sharing the Unshiny approach to doing business. And how this can lead to greater connections, more clients, and an all-around lovelier way of doing things. It's all about showing up fully as our genuine selves. Yes. Even with the imperfection and the messiness that can come along with that.I'm going to be having conversations with fellow business owners, but also people who are pioneers in changing our perceptions of success and who we have to be to attain that. So join me each week as we dive into helping you build your Unshiny business.