Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) in a pandemic - with Tracie Nichols

What's it like being a highly sensitive person in a pandemic?My guest is today is Tracie Nichols - Rebel Crone, Mentor, Aromatherapist, and poet and all-round wise woman and we're talking about, amongst other things, how we navigate these times as humans, and especially if you identify as a highly sensitive person (HSP)HSPs tend to absorb a LOT of emotional energy from others and so in a time of great fear and grief like now, I know that I and many like me are struggling to balance the need to be present with the situation and feeling like we're going to be washed away in the wave of emotions.Tracie and I talk about:What it means to be an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)Her work and business and what it means to be a rebel croneHow her work, creative and writing rhythms are being impacted by the current lockdownHow convening with nature is giving Tracie solace more than everWhat is giving her joy right nowYou can find out more about Tracie by visiting her website, liking her Facebook page and following her on Instagram.The book she mentions is:How Does Raven Know? Entering Sacred World | A Meditative MemoirAnd the blog post she refers to in this episode is Braced For ImpactAbout TracieTracie Nichols is a rebel crone, mentor, and poet who has been helping women remember who they are and invoke real, lasting change in their lives for more than a decade. If you identify as Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), an introvert, or as being a bit witchy or magical (Tracie calls women like this rebel crones) she’s here to help you say a holy and delicious “YES!” to occupying your age and exploring the possibilities that only show up in our deepening years. When she’s not working, you’ll find Tracie curled up with a book, or deep in conversation with the trees, streams and other members of the ecosystem where she lives.

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In a world that tells us that slick and shiny is the only way to go when it comes to building our businesses, I'm here to provide an alternative.I'm Jo Casey and I'm the coach that you come to when you've grown tired of the bro marketers and their obsessions with the size of their funnels are and how early they get up every morningIn this podcast, I'm going to be sharing the Unshiny approach to doing business. And how this can lead to greater connections, more clients, and an all-around lovelier way of doing things. It's all about showing up fully as our genuine selves. Yes. Even with the imperfection and the messiness that can come along with that.I'm going to be having conversations with fellow business owners, but also people who are pioneers in changing our perceptions of success and who we have to be to attain that. So join me each week as we dive into helping you build your Unshiny business.