#124: The Effect Of Skimpflation and Shrinkflation On Toy Creators

All across the globe we are seeing a massive increase in prices and reduction in quality. In fact it’s so prevalent, it has a few nicknames. Shrinkflation and Skimpflation are two practices of reducing the quality of goods and services to maintain margin, and reducing the actual contents of goods and quality of services while increasing the cost. Customers have noticed the change in gas prices, groceries and now even our toys. If you are a new entrepreneur, inventor, or toy maker you may think that Shrinkflation doesn’t affect you, but you’d be wrong my friend, it certainly does!When a company performs a cost reduction exercise under a normal economic climate, they take a look at their product and make small, simple changes. The goal is typically to reduce cost without affecting overall aesthetic or playability. But when companies have to make up for 10% or more in lost margin, there’s no way around affecting the size and sometimes the quality of a product. A lower margin industry wide, and changing consumer expectations is something you could stay acutely aware of over the next year.As an inventor these monetary changes could affect the categories you focus on and as an entrepreneur or maker, it can affect the amount of components you need for your toy or game to stay competitive. If you want to maintain a cash-positive toy business you’ve got to look at the bottom line, and that means adjusting when margin and revenue take an unfortunate tumble.MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:For the links and resources mentioned in this episode, head over to the episode page at www.thetoycoach.com/124Support the show🎓 5 Streamlined Steps To Your Next Playful Product Launch in 1 Interactive Masterclass: learn.thetoycoach.com/masterclass💡 The Great Toy and Game Idea Bootcamp: Visualize, Validate, and Vow to make your toy or game idea real in just 5 days. Register here: learn.thetoycoach.com/bootcamp

Om Podcasten

How do I bring my great toy ideas to life? How do I get my concepts in front of BIG toy companies like Hasbro, Mattel, and Goliath Games? Where should I go to create my own prototypes and how much should they cost? Is my only manufacturing option in China? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered on this weekly podcast, Making It In The Toy Industry. In addition to mini toy masterclasses, and step-by-step guides, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action toward developing, presenting, licensing, and producing your next big toy idea. Learn the invaluable how-to’s like, finding a factory for production, negotiating costs, and industry-proven sales techniques so that you can turn your toy dreams into a reality. | Brought to you by thetoycoach.com |