Puts and Takes of Biological Controls with Scott Hoffman Black of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation

The Sustainable Flowers Podcast - A podcast by Heather & Clara

Managing insect damage without using harmful pesticides is a key skill for anyone concerned about farming or gardening sustainably.    We were so grateful to have the opportunity to chat with Scott Hoffman Black, Executive Director of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, on the puts and takes of conventional biological controls and the conservation biological control approach. This wide ranging conversation helped us understand the issues around introducing lady beetles for aphid control (won't ever do that again!) to other biological controls and key methods for conservation biological control in our farms/gardens.  If you care about creating a healthy environment for all the residents of your farm/garden don't miss this interview! Paper and book referred to in the episode: Temporal Resource (Dis)continuity for Conservation Biological Control: From Field to Landscape Scales Farming with Native Beneficial Insects.  The Xerces Society Guide.  And absolutely everything in the amazing Xerces Publication Library is required reading for people who care about invertebrates,  planetary health and what we can all do to help.  Our theme music was composed and performed by Heather's son Callum, and the challenging job of audio editing done by the uber-talented Laura Eccleston. 

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