Hemp as an alternate to peat! Interview with Biocomposites Group

The Sustainable Flowers Podcast - A podcast by Heather & Clara

An innovative company right here in Alberta has answered our prayers,  Biocomposites Group out of Drayton Valley Alberta, has developed hemp-based, peat-free, growing media!    Their Terrafibre growing media products include growing mats and cubes that replace peat and rock wool, both of which are mined products, by using the products and by-products of Canadian hemp production!  We were so delighted to chat with Dan and Cris about their process and products. And guess what? For our listeners they have graciously offered a 15% discount on their products!  Just enter the promo code "sustainable flowers" ! I know.... a lot of exclamation points in this announcement... but that's how happy we are!   Our theme music was composed and performed by Heather's son Callum, and the challenging job of audio editing done by the uber-talented Laura Eccleston. 

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