SPP380 The Globalist Dystopian Nightmare

Today I go over some of the changes we could see in the coming years, like the CBDB, Digital identity, and the globalist initiative to track and control our every move. While this is easier to do in the E.U., here in the U.S., it will take the help of public corporations that are more than willing to help and already are. The concern is the lack of interest, or the lack of concern, by most of the population and the MSM. They seem to focus on the positive aspects of things like digital I.D., not how it can and will be abused. Are we watching a dystopian “fiction” novel play out in real time? Links From the Show Lab-Grown Meat Made With Cancer Cells  8 Signs That The Futuristic Control Freak Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward  10 Very Important Questions That We Should All Be Asking Right Now The Survivalist Prepper Community -JOIN TODAY! In this group, we bring together preppers and survivalists to share our knowledge and skills so that we can become more self-reliant and better prepared for emergencies. Finding the balance between preparing for disasters and living a fulfilling, joyful life is a crucial aspect of being a prepper, so we might as well have a little fun while we’re doing it. When you join the Survivalist Prepper community, you’ll get access to the following: * Preparedness Education: Whether a novice embarking on your prepping journey or a seasoned veteran with years of experience, learning something new can be challenging. From just starting your food storage plan to more advanced prepping topics, you’re bound to find answers here. * Prepper Networking Events: I do quite a bit on YouTube, Rumble, and the podcast, but there is some content I reserve for true fans and supporters. In this group, we do live events, collaborations, tutorials, and even giveaways now and then. * Emergency Preparedness Courses: This group is an extension of the Bug Out Location membership website, which has preparedness courses and training for all levels of preparedness. This group will be the hub for everything new and upcoming at the BOL.  * A Community of Preppers: The most exciting part about this community is the ability to network with like-minded preppers individually or as a group. You can post a question for the group, private message people individually, and get feedback on any projects you are working on. join today! 7 day free trial

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Survivalist Prepper, all about survival skills, prepping, preparedness and living off the grid without too much "tin foil hat" stuff. Learning how to become more self sufficient when disaster strikes. Stay up to date with the latest prepping news and information like bugging out, prepping and survival gear, and food storage etc.