#46 Ramon Vullings The ideaDJ

The Sunday Lunch Project Manager - A podcast by The Sunday Lunch PM


In this episode, I meet Ramon Vullings, The IdeaDJ, talking all things creativity and innovations and his new book Great Leaders Mix and Match.  He is also the author of a number of books in the creative space including Not Invented Here, Creativity Today and Creativity in Business.   Ramon is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ, he speaks about bringing the outside world in and why remixing of ideas cross-sector is a smart strategy in this digital era. Described as "an electrifying and passionate speaker, his talk on the topic of cross-industry innovation & creativity was one of the most well received talks at the NASA summit." - Omar Hatamleh, Chief Innovation Officer – NASA Ramon helps business leaders with strategies, tools & skills to look beyond the borders of their domain to transform their business in a smarter way Web: https://www.ramonvullings.com/ Book: https://amzn.to/3dTbHGv I mentioned a couple of other things  My fundraising page for the London Marathon is here - https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/NigelCreasersvirtualLondon2021 Link to other show guests books and my books - https://www.nigelcreaser.com/p/sunday-lunch-shop.html