#162 Martin Salama, The Warrior Not a Worrier (Video)

The Sunday Lunch Project Manager - A podcast by The Sunday Lunch PM


This episode I have the video of my interview with Martin Salama, The Warrior No a Worrier. About Martin Martin Salama brings 40+ years in business and over 10 years in coaching together to give you the practical tools you need to: Create balance in your L.I.F.E. Break the chains holding you back and UNCOVER your greatness. We talk about his background, coaching and his new book that focuses on a simple and approachable presentation of tools you can use to radically transform every interaction you have and shift how you approach the situations in your life so you always see how they are actually the universe bringing you things you need to achieve your greatness!Powerful activities are included to guide you through immediately implementing the concepts in the book so you aren’t left wondering HOW to use these tools in everyday L.I.F.E.!The book is ultimately a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the immeasurably transformative power of taking life into one’s own hands. Link to book: https://amzn.to/4b2dymu LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-salama-cpc-eli-mp/