The TSM Q2 Business Plan | TSMP #047
The Gig Hero - A podcast by The Gig Hero
Hold up... This isn't what I was expecting on this special episode of the TSMPodcast!In this exciting, brand-new episode of The Successful Mentalist Podcast, we have decided to share with you our complete set of plans for the coming few months so that you can get involved too!In this episode, you'll learn more about:Our Q2 Mission (COMMUNITY IS THE KEY)The 4th Element To The TSM MissionDozens Of FREE Events (3 per week)MASSIVE Updates To The TSM Podcast (Plus teasers for some upcoming special guests!)Product UpdatesOUR FIRST SUPPORTING ARTIST IS ANNOUNCED!'Learn To Thrive' - Our Elite Coaching Course ( The TSM Team ( Can YOU Help Us?Did you enjoy this podcast?If so, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts or Spotify so you never miss an episode!Also, if you could spend just 13 seconds and leave us a review on your preferred platform, we would really appreciate it!Share and tag us on Social Media (@TheSuccessfulMentalist) or use the hashtag #thesuccessfulmentalist