What to wear to Royal Ascot - Lisa chats with milliner Rachel Skinner

The Style Stories Podcast - A podcast by Personal Stylist Lisa Gillbe


It's officially Summer and the Summer-specific events are kicking off with Epsom Darby this weekend and Royal Ascot just around the corner. These are events where there is a license to get really dressed up and enjoy the pomp and ceremony that surronds these unique gatherings.  With this in mind, I invited Rachel Skinner or Rachel Skinner Milineray and also Lomax & Skinner to discuss what to wear at Royal Ascot. Rachel trained with Frederick Foz who made hats for Queen Elizabeth and also Stephen Jones, one of the UK's best milliners.   Please remember to hit the follow button and subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes of the Style Stories Podcast.   Find Rachel here; https://www.instagram.com/millineryrachelskinner/ Website; https://www.lomaxandskinner.co.uk/   Book Lisa's Sixty Minute Styling Session here: https://www.lisagillbestyle.com/60min-styling-session   Follow Lisa on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/lisegillbestylist/ Lisa's website and 'in-person' services here: https://www.lisagillbestyle.com/   #personalstyle #personalstylist #fashionpodcast

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